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[뉴스프라임] Cargo union announces general strike tomorrow… “Condemnation of party-government consultation”

Cargo Solidarity Headquarters will go on general strike at midnight tomorrow.

The government has prepared emergency transport measures and announced the principle of a strict response to illegal acts, but disruptions in logistics seem inevitable.

Since the 15th, there have been no talks between the government and the cargo union, and concerns about a prolonged strike are growing.

Let’s talk to Gyohoon Koo, an adjunct professor in the Department of International Trade and Logistics at Baehwa Women’s University.

The biggest issue of the cargo union strike is the ‘safe price system’ which ends this year. Explain what kind of system it is.

The party and government have come up with a plan to extend the safe fare system for three years, but the cargo unions are in a position to go on strike tomorrow (24th) as planned, saying that the price is only half the government’s alternative. . What do the cargo unions demand?

The demand of the cargo union is to abolish the sunset system to continue to operate the safe price system and expand the target items, but the party and the government have extended the deadline for 3 years, but they have done it clearly the items cannot be expanded. Why?

The Cargo Solidarity issued a statement yesterday (22nd) which claimed that “the responsibility of the shipper has been eliminated as the security freight rate has been extended.” Even over the responsibility of the shipper, the government and the cargo union show a difference of opinion?

The cargo union had asked the government to promote a safe price system and expand items through a strike in June, but didn’t the discussion happen right now?

In the announcement of the cargo union’s general strike, the government and ruling party predicted a harsh response with ‘laws and principles’ while talking about solving problems through dialogue. Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong said, “We will even issue an order to start shipping.” Are there any concerns about a river collision?

If there is a strike by the Korea Cargo Workers Union, it is expected that there will be huge obstacles in the transportation of steel, cement, and petrochemicals Are you ready for this?

Is there no room for the party government and the cargo union to find a compromise?

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23

