
Yonhap News TV

[현장연결] Yoon Seok-yeol as the People’s Power Presidential Candidate… 47.85% of the votes

The candidates for the People’s Strength Presidential Election for the 20th Presidential Election will be decided shortly.

The candidate with the most support is chosen based on half of the votes from party members and half of the poll results.

Among the candidates Yoon Seok-yeol and Hong Jun-pyo, who have formed a tight two-way structure, attention is focused on who will win the final.

We will go directly to the site of the announcement of the voting results.

[정홍원 / 국민의힘 선거관리위원장]

My fellow citizens. and party members.

We will announce the voting results and the counting results of the 20th Presidential Candidate Election.

This election was conducted by voting by the Electoral College, which is the responsible party member, and a public opinion poll, respectively, and 50% of the results of the valid electoral vote and 50% of the poll results were reflected.

Mobile voting was conducted over two days on Monday, November 1 and Tuesday, November 2, and on Wednesday, November 3 and Thursday, November 4, electoral votes that were not able to participate in mobile voting were conducted by phone.

The poll was commissioned by four polling agencies on Wednesday, November 3rd and Thursday, November 4th, and a total of 6,000 people were sampled, 1,500 people each.

First, we will announce the voting results.

Of the 569,059 electoral votes, the total number of votes was 366,569, resulting in a final turnout of 63.89%.

Here is the result of the counting.

I will announce the number of votes cast by the electoral college, the poll results, the converted votes, and the total number of votes and vote percentages in that order.

Results will be announced in alphabetical order by the candidate’s name.

Candidate Hee-Ryong Won’s Electoral College resulted in 11,487 votes, 3.19% of the poll results, and 11,598 converted votes.

As a result of the final sum of these, 23,085 votes and a voter turnout rate of 3.17%.

Next is Yoo Seung-min.

The result of the Electoral College was 15,529 votes, and 10.67% of the poll results.

The converted number of votes is 38,775, and the final combined result is 54,304.

The vote rate is 7.47%.

Next is Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon, the result of the electoral college of 213,34 votes, the result of the opinion poll, 37.94%, the converted number of votes is 137,929, the final combined result is 347,963, and the vote rate is 47.85%.

Candidate Jun-pyo Hong, 126,519 votes from the electoral college, 48.21% from the poll, 175,627 converted votes, and the final combined result is 301,786 votes.

The percentage of votes cast is 41.50%.

Then, I will announce the candidates for the 20th President of the People’s Power according to the results of the counting.

We declare that candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, who received the highest number of votes, has been elected as the 20th presidential candidate for the People’s Power.

Yonhap News TV Article Inquiries and Reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23
