
Yoon Seok-yeol, “Youth are partners in government”… ‘One-Top’ Kim Byung-jun, Lee Jae-myung hit directly


People’s Power Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon also focused on the youth and launched the Youth Committee under the direct control of the candidate.

The criticism of Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung was taken by Kim Byung-joon, who became the de facto ‘one-top’ of the election committee.

Reporter Ahn Da-young reports.


Following a college student meeting and meeting with a young writer, Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon, the People’s Power, launched the Youth Committee yesterday.

Candidate Yoon directly served as the chairperson.

He emphasized that he would take care of the youth, who are vulnerable in support, and that he would make the youth a partner, not a beneficiary of state administration.

[윤석열/국민의힘 대선 후보 : “대통령실부터 비롯해서 모든 정부 부처에 청년 보좌역을 다 배치해서, 의사 결정 과정에 참여하고…”]

Candidate Yoon also brought up the issue of the property tax, which was sent out last week.

He criticized the Moon Jae-in government for pushing people’s livelihoods to the brink, saying that the fragments of the tax bomb are splashing out as innocent tenants.

If Candidate Yoon made a mark on the current situation of the Moon Jae-in government, then Kim Byung-jun, the permanent election chairman, directly hit Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung.

Chairman Kim took issue with Lee defending the murder of his nephew in the past and recently expressing it as ‘date violence’.

They attacked that he was not qualified to be a political leader.

[김병준/국민의힘 상임선대위원장 : “권력은 때로 우리에게 칼이 되기도 하고, 총이 되기도 합니다. 폭력적 심성을 가진 분에게 우리가 (권력을) 맡겨서야 되겠습니까?”]

With the exception of Kim Jong-in, the former chairman of the Senate Committee, ahead of today’s first meeting, the current is flowing into the ‘one-top’ system of Chairman Kim Byung-jun.

Candidate Yoon goes on a public movement in the Chungcheong area for 3 days and 2 nights, and Chairman Kim is also accompanied by the Sejong schedule, the first day.

However, the aftershocks continue.

In response to the public criticism of a young spokesman that there is no freshness in the selection of the predecessor, Jeong Jin-seok, the most senior member of the party, pointed out to represent the entire party, showing a generational conflict.

In addition, due to the failure of Kim Jong-in, former chairman of the platoon to join, the recruitment of those who were mentioned to join together became unclear.

This is Dayoung Ahn from KBS News.

Cinematographer: Park Chan-geol / Video Editing: Kim Tae-hyung / Graphics: Han Jong-heon