
Massage combined with acupuncture can help with long-term shoulder and neck pain or insomnia – Free Health Network

Wu Jiazhe, a Chinese medicine practitioner from Lianxin International Hospital, used massage and acupuncture to successfully improve the long-term shoulder and neck pain, insomnia and other problems of female office workers. (Provided by Lianxin International Hospital) [Reporter Zhou Minhong/Taoyuan Report]A 30-year-old female office worker in Taoyuan City often suffers from shoulder and neck pain and […]

Acupuncture Reduces Risk of Atrial Fibrillation After Heart Valve Surgery: Study

New Study Shows Acupuncture’s Potential in Reducing Atrial Fibrillation After Heart Surgery [Published on November 16, 2023] Recent research conducted in the United States has shed light on the potential benefits of acupuncture in reducing the risk of postoperative atrial fibrillation following heart valve surgery. The study revealed that patients who received acupuncture treatment immediately […]

The Impact of Frequent Urination and Treatment Options

Understanding Frequent Urination: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Frequent urination, also known as polyuria, can be a sign of an underlying health issue. Typically, people urinate 6-8 times a day on average. However, if someone is urinating more frequently without consuming excessive fluids, it may indicate a physical disorder or a health problem. Experiencing frequent urination […]

The Causes, Symptoms, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Nerve Pain from Shingles

Understanding Shingles: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Shingles, a skin disease caused by a viral infection known as varicella-zoster, is characterized by a rash resembling water blisters. Patients experience a burning pain, often described as a sharp object stabbing a specific area. These rashes typically appear in bands, affecting one side of the body or face, […]

Frequent colds? Not enough justice and poor immunity! Your risk of serious illness increases! Acupuncture and TCM Moxibustion Aids in Healing and Conditioning – Urban Diseases – Healthy Life Health – ET Mobile Net

The hot summer is hot, the sun is shining, and everything is growing, even bacteria and viruses are extremely active. If one is not careful, it is easy to be stimulated by external infections, and Dona is one of them. Dona is a sick child. Whenever the seasons change or the temperature fluctuates a lot, […]

Frequent colds? Not enough justice and poor immunity! Your risk of serious illness increases! Acupuncture and Moxibustion Aids TCM Treatment and Conditioning – Healthy Life – Healthy Life Health – ET Mobile Net

The hot summer is hot, the sun is shining, and everything is growing, even bacteria and viruses are extremely active. If one is not careful, it is easy to be stimulated by external infections, and Dona is one of them. Dona is a sick child. Whenever the seasons change or the temperature fluctuates a lot, […]