
EU Member States Approve World’s First AI Regulatory Legislation: What You Must Know

(Photograph = Shutterstock) European Union (EU) member states accredited the world’s first synthetic intelligence (AI) regulatory regulation. This regulation shall be carried out in phases and shall be absolutely utilized from 2026, however a grace interval shall be added for basic goal fashions similar to ChatGPT. CNBC reported on the twenty first (native time) that […]

Microsoft and OpenAI to Invest $100 Billion in Supercomputer for AGI Development

(Photo = Shutterstock) Microsoft (MS) and Open AI are said to be investing $100 billion (about 134.75 trillion won) to build a supercomputer. This is due to the judgment that the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) requires a large-scale computing infrastructure 100 times the current size. The Information, citing three sources, said on the […]

Nvidia CEO Predicts Emergence of AGI Within Five Years, Testing Samsung Electronics’ HBM

[비즈니스포스트] Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang predicted that human-level general-purpose artificial intelligence (AGI) will emerge within five years and announced that he is testing Samsung Electronics’ high-bandwidth memory (HBM). CEO Hwang said in a press conference held at the Signia by Hilton Hotel in California, USA on the 19th (local time), “(AGI) will appear within 5 […]

AGI: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Technology Companies

Today’s Money Reporter Kim Se-gwan | 2024.03.09 06:54 MWC24 was held in Barcelona, ​​​​​​​​Spain for four days from the 26th to the 29th of last month (provided by SKT) / Photo = (Seoul = News 1) The key topic at MWC (Mobile World Congress ) held in Barcelona, ​​​​​​​​​​Spain from the 26th to the 29th […]

Nvidia CEO predicts rapid advances in artificial intelligence and chip technology

NVIDIA CEO Predicts Rapid Advancements in Artificial Intelligence NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang recently shared his insights on the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) during the New York Times DealBook Summit. According to Huang, the concept of “artificial general intelligence” (AGI), which has been a longstanding goal for AI researchers, may become a reality sooner […]

Sam Altman: “We need to exempt SMEs from AI regulation”

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, testified about the dangers of AI at the US Senate hearing on the 16th of last month (Photo = YouTube capture) Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, who has been emphasizing the need for artificial intelligence (AI) regulation, said, “I’m opposed to regulating small AI companies.” Reuters reported on the 7th […]