
Sora’s AI Offering Set to Reshape the Industry

Soraçš„å ‘å¸ƒæˆ ä¸ºè¿™å‡ å¤©å·å±çº§å†…å®¹ã€‚è¿™å‡ å˹’,æè††å‡ Žæµ·å¤–éƒ½æœ ‰ä¸€ä¸ªè®©ä¸šç•ŒæƒŠæŽ‰ä¸‹å·´çš„é‡ å¤§äƒ§¤“ å¥„é‡ å¤§äƒ§¥ “奇 ŒSora。 è¿™ä¸ªèƒ½å¤Ÿæ ¹æ ®æ–‡æœ¬æ è¿°ï¼Œç”Ÿæˆ é•¿è¾¾60秒连贯‡¡µé æ–°äº§å“ ï¼Œæ£å¥½åˆ‡ä ¸äº†å½“下业界超高的视颒需求ã è¿‡åœ¨å¤§è°ƒç” ä¸ï¼Œä¼ ä¸šæ„¿æ„ ä¸ºæ¤ä»˜å‡ºçš„è´¹ç”¨ä¹Ÿåœ¨å¿«é€Ÿä¸‹é™ ï¼ Œ¥ Šåï ²ç» ä»Žæ¯ æœˆå ƒå…ƒå ·¦å ³ï¼ Œé™ 至100å…ƒå‰ å Žâ€‚ åœ¨è§ å®žå ‘èµ·çš„â€œAIä»˜è´¹æ„ æ„¿å¤§è°ƒç” â€ä¸ï¼ŒAIæ–‡ç”Ÿè§†é¢’çš„éœ€æ±‚æŽ’åˆ—ç¬¬ä¸‰ï¼ Œè¾¾34.9%ã€‚éœ € è¦ Ç ‰ ¹åˆ «æ Å Šçš„ 是<œä¸ è®ºæ˜¯ä¸ªäº ¿¿ œ˜T […]

Bangkok Partners with AstraZeneca to Expand ‘Don’t Wait. Get Checked.’ Project, Utilizing AI Technology for Lung Cancer Screening

Innovative Collaboration to Expand Access to Medical Services and Treatment in Bangkok In a significant step towards improving public health in Bangkok, Mr. Chatchart Sitthiphan, the Governor of Bangkok, recently presided over the signing of a cooperation agreement between Bangkok and AstraZeneca (Thailand) Company Limited. This collaboration aims to expand access to medical services and […]

Dreame Introduces DreameBot L20 Ultra: The Most Powerful AI Bionic Home Cleaning Robot with Revolutionary Robotic Arm System

Dreame Unveils Cutting-Edge AI Technology in DreamingBot L20 Ultra Dreame, the renowned smart home appliance technology company, showcased its latest breakthrough in AI technology with the launch of the DreamingBot L20 Ultra. This state-of-the-art bionic home cleaning robot boasts the highest suction power on the market at an impressive 7000pa and features the world’s first […]