
The Powerful Healing Benefits of Dandelion: A Closer Look at Its Medicinal Uses

Dongha Han, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Director of the Dongha Han Oriental Medicine Clinic, introduces the numerous benefits of dandelion in his professional analysis. The dandelion, scientifically known as Taraxacum mongolicum, is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae Dandelion species. While the western dandelion is the most commonly seen with its yellow flowers, both […]

The Various Health Benefits of Lobules: A Closer Look at Soyeop (Perilla) Leaves

Title: Lobules: The Versatile Medicinal Herb with Various Health Benefits Subtitle: An In-depth Exploration of the Diverse Uses and Effectiveness of Lobules By Dongha Han, Doctor of Oriental Medicine Director, Dongha Han Oriental Medicine Clinic Lobules, a variant of perilla in the genus Lamiaceae, are a group of medicinal herbs that closely resemble perilla leaves […]

Apigenin helps prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease! | Celery | Apigenin | Anti-inflammatory | Antioxidant | Anti-cancer | Diabetes | Alzheimer’s Disease | Insomnia |

[Llais Gobaith Ebrill 18, 2023](Editor: Guo Qiang) Celery, which is common in home cooking, not only has a unique smell, but also adds a lot of flavor when added to different dishes, making the layers richer. Although celery is common, its nutritional value is actually quite excellent. The apigenin in it can not only help […]

“Adding milk to coffee doubles the anti-inflammatory effect”: Donga Science

A research team at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark coffee and milk. Courtesy of Getty Images Bank Studies have shown that coffee with milk is twice as effective as coffee without milk. When ‘polyphenol’, an antioxidant in coffee, combines with ‘protein’ in milk, the anti-inflammatory effect doubles. A research team led by Marian Nissen Lund, […]

Nutritionist who health supplements with vitamin D reveals 3 key teams of individuals will need it additional – LOHAS Diet program – Totally free Well being Network

Nutritionists take note that ingesting salmon can enhance vitamin D. (Graphic taken from freepik) [Adroddiad yr Gohebydd Lin Huiqin / Taipei]Overall health food stuff is a way for many individuals to health supplement vitamins, but nutritionists remind that vitamin D can be divided into energetic and inactive, and inactive vitamin D can be obtained from […]