
Navigating Self-Censorship, Dental Trauma, and Acceptance: A Personal Journey

I’ve been going through a period of self-censorship lately and start blaming myself at the slightest sign of a problem. The good thing is that I have been practicing self-awareness for many years, so it is not easy to fall into the endless cycle of self-blame: when I am attentive to this phenomenon, I can […]

When Bad Things Keep Happening: Breaking Free from Negative Patterns and Taking Charge of Your Life

Title: Escaping the Cycle of Frustration and Embracing Personal Empowerment Heading 2: Do Negative Events Keep Repeating in Your Life? Is it common for unfortunate circumstances to continually unfold in your life? Often, work doesn’t proceed as smoothly as expected, difficult colleagues shirk responsibility, bosses suddenly change their orders overnight, and deadlines promised by manufacturers […]