
Government Imports Bananas and Oranges to Stabilize Prices in Korean Markets

A citizen chooses a banana displayed in a large supermarket in Seoul on the 14th. /Newsis A total of 1,762 tons of bananas and oranges imported directly by the government will be placed on the market as early as the 21st. By the end of next month, ‘Nonghal Gift Certificates’ will be issued, discount vouchers […]

Unexpectedly Healthy Foods for Relieving Headaches: Almonds, Greek Yogurt, Bananas, Salmon, and More

Posted on 2024.03.18 06:45 Posted on 2024.03.18 06:45 Modified on 2024.03.17 21:10 Views 337 Greek yogurt, bananas, salmon, etc. they are unexpectedly healthy foods and useful for relieving headaches. [사진=클립아트코리아] When you suddenly feel a headache, you start looking for headache medications. However, if the headache recurs frequently, you need to find the underlying cause. […]

The Silent but Deadly Threat: Microorganisms Destroying Hosts in Plain Sight

Posted on 2024-02-21 15:47:07 Talk about microorganisms that silently destroy their hostsWritten by Emily Monoseon / Published by Vanni In 2016, a new pathogenic fungus emerged that had a high mortality rate and was resistant to antifungal drugs, causing the death of 30-60% of infected patients. Analysis by the US Centers for Disease Control and […]

Natural Ways to Boost Serotonin Levels and Improve Mental Health

Eating lots of tryptophan foods, walking outside a lot, and laughing a lot can help. Posted on 02/3/2024 at 1.09pm Posted on 02/3/2024 at 1.09pm Views 1 Walking outdoors often, meeting people and laughing often help increase serotonin levels. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Serotonin, necessary for preventing depression and having a happier day, is also called the “happiness hormone” […]

Unlocking the Benefits of Resistant Starch: 6 Foods to Add to Your Diet

What is resistant starch? What foods are there?Benefits of resistant starch, 6 foods to see at once Tips for healthy eating – medical review: Dr. Lai Jianhan · Department of Mind and Body · Dr. Clinic of Mind and Body Medicine Text: Zhou Shimin · Updated: 05/10/2023 What is resistant starch? What foods are there?Benefits […]

Health Network》Chapped lips in autumn and winter!Traditional Chinese medicine recommends yellow food to nourish the spleen and stomach – Free Health Network

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors mentioned that people who suffer from chapped lips due to excessive heat in the spleen and stomach can eat more yellow foods such as papaya and oranges to nourish the spleen and stomach; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from freepik) Luo Bi/Copy Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In addition to dry […]

Balancing Sodium and Potassium Intake: The Key to Preventing High Blood Pressure

High Potassium Intake Equally Crucial as Decreasing Sodium to Prevent High Blood Pressure In a society where salty and savory dishes like stews, kimchi, ramen, and salted fish reign supreme, it is essential to highlight the importance of balancing sodium intake to prevent high blood pressure. Kimchi and salt-laden stews are regular fixtures on Korean […]

Boost Your Energy Levels with Vitamin B-Rich Foods

ENTERED: 2023.10.25 06:30 VIEWS: 0 MODIFIED: 2023.10.25 03:41 VIEWS: 0 If you are experiencing physical and mental fatigue due to accumulated stress, consuming foods rich in vitamin B can be beneficial. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when making dietary choices. [Image: Clipart Korea] — PEOPLE WHO ARE BURDENED WITH DAILY TASKS OFTEN DISPLAY […]

Step-by-Step Guide to Online Device Exchange

How to Exchange Your Device Online Nowadays, the process of exchanging your device has become streamlined and convenient, thanks to the availability of various online platforms. Whether you are looking to exchange your Apple, Banana, or Studio7 device, follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth transaction: 1. Visit the Device Exchange Website Begin by […]

Liao Dayi before the “Gate of Ghosts” in the seventh month of the lunar calendar: 4 zodiac signs worship 1 god to respond to requests- Life

Folklore expert Liao Dayi suggested that those who feel unlucky this year can go to Wanyinggong Temple, Wanshan Temple and other places with no gates and only three walls before the “Guanguimen”, and ask “good brothers” for help. (Provided by Liao Dayi) 2023/09/01 07:23 [Reporter Chen Fengli/Nantou Report]More than half of the seventh month of […]