
The Secret to Brian Johnson’s Youthful Health: Daily Cocoa Consumption Revealed

American Brian Johnson, who is currently carrying out a renovation project, eats cocoa every day… Sprinkles high quality cocoa on top of a vegetable or nut pudding. Entered 2024.04.25 06:45 Entered 2024.04.25 06:45 Modified 2024.04.25 09:45 Viewed 2,695 Brian Johnson, also famous for his billionaire regeneration blueprint project, revealed the foods he eats every day […]

Health Network》High blood sugar in pregnancy may cause the baby to have low IQ. Doctor: It is recommended to follow the doctor’s orders for screening – Free Health Network

Doctors pointed out that screening for hyperglycemia during pregnancy, as well as active follow-up and treatment after diagnosis, are crucial; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from shutterstock) Lin Xiaoyun/Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]It is normal for a newborn to experience temporary hypoglycemia after birth, but severe hypoglycemia may lead to long-term adverse effects. Physician […]

1 out of every 3 people with diabetes has kidney disease!Doctor: 8 risk groups are careless because they have no symptoms – Free Health Network

Wu Maisi, chairman of the Taiwan Renal Medicine Society, said that kidney disease will be accompanied by serious problems such as diabetes and heart failure. According to statistics, 1 in every 3 diabetic patients may develop kidney disease; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik) [Reporter Luo Guojia/Taipei Report]Don’t ignore kidney disease! […]

Improving Health with Fresh Fruit and Pressed Juice

Published: December 11, 2023, 08:30 AM Last Modified: December 10, 2023, 01:12 AM Views: 22 Fresh fruit plays a critical role in controlling blood sugar levels and improving overall health. However, the timing of fruit consumption is key. When consumed on an empty stomach, fruits aid in detoxification and liver function improvement. On the other […]

The Health Benefits of Eating Fresh Fruit on an Empty Stomach

The Importance of Eating Fresh Fruit on an Empty Stomach When it comes to the benefits of eating fruit, it’s important to consider not only what fruits to eat, but also when to eat them. Eating fresh, live fruit on an empty stomach can lead to improved detoxification and liver function. Consuming fruit as a […]

The Growing Epidemic of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in South Korea

The Growing Epidemic of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a growing concern in both adults and young people, as its prevalence and severity have increased in tandem with the rise in obesity. While alcohol was once the primary cause of fatty liver disease, the number of cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver […]

Health Network》Eating vegetables before meals has the best effect of “stabilizing sugar”. Nutritionist’s personal test: 2 vegetables are easy to wash and take away – Free Health Network

Nutritionists recommend that each meal should have at least a fistful of vegetables to help stabilize blood sugar. Beef tomatoes and cucumbers are easy to carry and wash, and eating one before meals is healthy and hassle-free. The picture is a schematic diagram. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Eating vegetables can stabilize blood sugar, […]

The Power of Beta-Glucan: How It Can Benefit Those with Chronic Diseases

The Importance of Diet in Managing Chronic Diseases When it comes to managing chronic diseases, one of the most crucial aspects to focus on is diet. The food we consume on a daily basis has a significant impact on key health indicators such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. In recent times, the […]

Morning vs Evening Exercise: Understanding the Different Effects

Differences Between Morning and Evening Exercise Exercise is important for overall health, but the timing of exercise can have different effects on the body. Whether you choose to work out in the morning or evening, there are specific benefits to each time of day. Morning Exercise for Fat Reduction For those looking to reduce body […]