
Balancing Protein Intake for Optimal Kidney Health: A Guide for Different Life Stages

Be careful because too much protein can be harmful to your kidneys. Posted on 22.04.2024 16:05 Posted on 22.04.2024 16:05 Modified on 22.04.2024 17:03 Views 3,612 Proteins, an essential nutrient for our body, vary greatly depending on the situation. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Proteins are an essential nutrient for our body. It’s a valuable nutrient that builds muscle after […]

The Benefits and Precautions of Consuming Lemons

Lemon has many benefits, but there are also precautions when consuming it. Posted on 04/20/2024 at 06:45 Posted on 04/20/2024 at 06:45 Modified on 04/18/2024 at 15:00 Views 8 Lemons contain citric acid, which helps increase citrate levels in the urine. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]A lemon that has both a sour and bitter flavor and a refreshing […]

Understanding and Treating Facial Asymmetry: Causes, Problems, and Solutions

Most people suffer from “facial asymmetry” where the left and right sides of the face are slightly different. In most cases, there is no serious problem, but if the difference between the left and right sides is noticeably severe, causing a complex or causing physical discomfort such as snoring or temporomandibular joint disorders, correction may […]

The Risks and Realities of Osteoporosis Medications: A Closer Look at Prolia

[송무호의 비건뉴스] The inconvenient truth about osteoporosis⑥ Posted on 11.04.2024 at 16:00 Posted on 11.04.2024 at 16:00 Modified on 10.04.2024 at 16:08 Views 1,032 Normal bones constantly undergo “bone remodeling” in response to the environment. The bone turnover rate of the alveolar bone, the gingival bone, is 3 to 6 times faster than that of […]

Recovering Quickly After Fracture Surgery: The Importance of Rehabilitation Treatment

Medical journalist Hidoc, editor Lim Seon-kyungㅣSource: Hidoc During your daily life, you may injure yourself due to various accidents and habits, and in severe cases, you may suffer from diseases that require surgery. In case of serious fractures, surgery is necessary. First, “fracture” means a state in which the continuity of the bone is completely […]

Sweating While Sleeping: A Warning Sign of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Weight loss, sweating while sleeping… non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of blood cancer Posted on 11.04.2024 at 16:05 Posted on 11.04.2024 at 16:05 Modified on 11.04.2024 at 14:38 Views 12 Suzette Isabel, a mother of two and in her 40s, experienced sudden weight loss and sweating while sleeping. Even though I thought it was a symptom […]