
Dong-A Pharmaceutical Launches ‘Minimax Calcium Vitamin D Apple Flavor’ for Children’s Growth and Development

Dong-A Pharmaceutical Launches New ‘Minimax Calcium Vitamin D Apple Flavor’ for Children’s Health By Kim Do-yoon | September 26, 2023 | 09:41 Dong-A Pharmaceutical, a renowned healthcare company, recently introduced a new functional health food called ‘Minimax Calcium Vitamin D Apple Flavor’. This product aims to support the growth and development of children. Following the […]

Which Vegetables Nourish Bones? A Guide to Preventing Osteoporosis

Discover the Best Vegetables for Strong Bones: A Must-Read! Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by thin and brittle bones, poses a significant risk as we age. This ailment occurs when there is a decrease in bone mass, making the bones more prone to fractures. While menopausal women and individuals aged 65 and above are at higher […]

The Power of Eggs: Boosting Satiety, Memory, and Vision for Optimal Health

Five Health Benefits of Eating Eggs Every Day (Seoul = National Broadcasting) – Eggs have long been a staple in our diets, but recently their health benefits have received renewed attention. A recent article by American food media outlet, EatingWell, highlighted the positive effects eggs can have on our well-being. The Korean Food Communication Forum […]

Preventing Paralysis and Heart Disease: The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

The key point is that illness, especially cerebrovascular and coronary artery disease, can significantly impact elderly individuals and lead to paralysis and loss of independence. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are crucial for preventing these complications. Calcium or calcification in the heart can indicate the presence of disease and should be examined. Carotid duplex ultrasonography […]

The Silent Threat: Osteoporosis and the Urgent Need for Assessment and Treatment

The Global Issue of Osteoporosis: A Silent Threat According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is the second highest public health concern worldwide, surpassed only by heart and vascular diseases. Shockingly, statistics from the International Osteoporosis Foundation reveal that 80-90% of the at-risk Thai population remains unassessed and untreated. A Silent Threat with Devastating […]

Study Finds Nutritional Differences Between Plant-Based Milk Substitutes and Cow’s Milk

University of Minnesota Public Health and Nutrition Coordinating Center research team discovered that milk substitutes made from plant foods are not sufficient replacements for cow’s milk due to variations in their nutritional composition. Professor Abigail Johnson from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota presented these findings at the annual meeting of […]

Health Net “To prevent joints from getting stuck, nutritionist: not only calcium supplement but also “these” – Free Health Net

Want to prevent joint jams? Nutritionists recommend supplementing vitamins D and C. Such as: egg yolk (left) contains vitamin D; guava contains vitamin C. (The picture is taken from freepik; synthesized by Health Network) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]”Joint stagnation” is usually caused by long-term wear and tear, and it is common in the elderly, obese people, […]

The Importance of Calcium for Bone Health: Maximizing Bone Mass and Preventing Osteoporosis

Bones: Growth, Calcium, and Osteoporosis Bone Growth beyond Puberty and Calcium Importance Contrary to popular belief, bones continue to develop and increase in “bone mass” even after puberty. Although their size remains unchanged, the bone mass steadily grows until reaching its maximum around the ages of 25-30, remaining constant until approximately 40 years old. However, […]

“Health Net” Prevention of Osteoporosis and Fracture Medical Education “Do This” to Protect Bone Costs and Reduce Risk- Free Health Net

The doctor said that a balanced diet is mainly to ensure sufficient calcium and vitamin D intake to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Osteoporosis is a silent disease. According to the statistics of the National Health Administration, about 1 in 7 people over the […]