
US Congress Controls Venture Capital Firms and Funds Chinese Military Companies

The US Congress controls five venture capital firms, Sequoia Capital, and provides more than 90 billion in funding to Chinese military companies (Reuters) Gao Jiajing/Copy Editor [Sianel Ariannol / Adroddiad Cynhwysfawr]A report released by the US Congress on Thursday said that Sequoia Capital China Fund, Qualcomm Ventures and three other venture capital firms have invested […]

US Department of Defense Assures Continued Information Sharing with Japan Amid Chinese Cyberespionage Reports

US Department of Defense Assures Japan Amidst Cyber Attack Concerns The US Department of Defense reaffirmed its confidence in and commitment to sharing information with Japan, following reports of Chinese military hackers infiltrating Japan’s vulnerable defense data network. The Washington Post published an article citing US officials and past and present Japanese sources, claiming that […]