
Samsung Electronics Showcases 12 C-Lab Startups at Vivatech, France

Samsung Electronics C Lab exhibition hall participating in ‘Vivatech 2023’ (Photo = Samsung Electronics) Samsung Electronics startup C-Lab will widely publicize ‘K-Innovation’ at Europe’s largest startup exhibition and move on to the global market. Samsung Electronics (CEO Han Jong-hee, Gyeonggi-hyun) announced on the 15th that it will showcase internal enterprises and external startups nurtured by […]

“Digital is the new food” Digital healthcare caught the eye of big pharma

Bayer has launched a consumer health product division that incorporates digital technology. The company plans to continue forming partnerships with existing products and new technology companies to lead the precision medicine market. As such, it has recently been found that domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies are developing businesses in different directions, such as expanding existing […]