
Sugar Addiction: The Hidden Health Risks of Sweet Treats

“Choose the food he hassweet flavourAnd it’s cold. To quench your thirst and refresh yourself, for example, ice cream, fruit slices, crushed ice, sugary drinks and soft drinks until it becomes a habit that sweet foods and drinks make you feel refreshed. animated If you don’t eat dessert you will feel weak, tired and irritable. […]

Creating Brand Superfans: The Key to Success in Modern Branding

If we can apply it before anyone else, it will open the door to even more opportunities and be ahead of the competition. What will the details look like? Commerce in the new age has changed to the internet and mobile world. Makes building a customer or user base dependentby word of mouthof people online […]

The World Post-Trump: Opportunities and Challenges for Global Geopolitics

I. Opportunities for the Trump administration 2 The results of the “interparty primary elections” or the so-called “Super Tuesday” (Super Tuesday) at the beginning of March. Makes the US presidential election on November 5, 2024 likely to be a contest between Democratic President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump of the Republican Party. And […]

The election that Putin already won 2024/03/15

The Russian people still believe in the man who, upon winning the 2000 elections, promised a new country. The Russian Federation is preparing for one more presidential election where everyone knows the result. The procedure is only a formal protocol and a façade to say that a democracy exists, but deep down, everything is already […]

Embracing Digital Assets: The Shift Towards Institutional and Governmental Interest

It’s not just retail investors who are paying attention. digital assets (DA) But at the moment, big investors or even governments in many countries They pay more attention to DA. The US SEC approved the Spot Bitcoin ETF earlier this year. It is considered an important milestone for the digital asset industry that opens doors […]

The Silent Danger of Household Debt: A Potential Threat to the Economy

In 2020, the year that COVID-19 occurred, at the end of the third quarter of 2023 it was 16.2 trillion baht, or 90.9 percent of GDP. Most people are not interested. Seen as a personal matter for each behaviorof borrowers who are unable to repay the debt they themselves have incurred This issue has […]