
Angry Gangwon FC fans call for coach Choi Yong-soo

▲ In the match between Gangwon FC and Suwon Samsung held at Songam Sports Town Stadium in Chuncheon on the 13th, Yang Hyun-joon beats the defense. Seoyoung As Gangwon FC recently fell into a pit of three consecutive defeats and failed to escape the relegation zone, Gangwon fans finally called coach Choi Yong-soo. Gangwon FC […]

We have confidence in the Women’s World Cup – Interview with international footballer Wu Chengshu_League_Europe_season

Original title: We have confidence in the Women’s World Cup – Interview with international footballer Wu Chengshu Xinhua News Agency, Canberra, April 18, title: We are confident in the Women’s World Cup – Interview with international footballer Wu Chengshu Xinhua News Agency Correspondent Yue Dongxing China’s Wu Chengshu, who scored against Japan in last year’s […]

Confusion about banks, a big blow to investor sentiment = BofA survey | Reuters

A monthly survey by Bank of America (BofA) showed investor confidence plunged to its lowest level in 20 years after turmoil over US banks and fears of a renewed recession this month. (Reuters/Dado Ruvic) LONDON (Reuters) – Investor confidence fell to its lowest level in 20 years after turmoil over US banks and fears of […]

Inflation is troubled, August retail index is secure, wage boosts will unquestionably attain Q4.

The authorities demands to thenSteps to encourage impulse browsingto market domestic use by leading the undertaking”good procuring, have a night“appear back and raise the credit history restrict to 100,000 baht to stimulate spending by people with superior getting energy and get the job carried out”half” which include “Thais travel to Thailand“ongoing until the stop of […]

How to stabilize investor confidence in the first batch of companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is an unavoidable question_Shareholder_Influence_Shares

Original title: How to stabilize investor confidence in the first batch of companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is an unavoidable question July 22 this year marks the third anniversary of the listing of the first batch of 25 companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and it is also the day […]

Do you have to deceive me to be beautiful?

Psychiatry News | Hyung-Jin Jeon, a psychiatrist If you look around on social media, you will be surprised to find out that there are so many owners of outstanding looks. Instead of examining the possibility of exaggeration or distortion, I naturally compare myself to myself or check the posts in my account. endless ‘The culture […]