
Why is the painter so revered in Germany?

Germany is in Caspar David Friedrich fever. The romantic was not only good at painting, he has also always been taken in by many sides – a recipe for success. This year Caspar David Friedrich is hiking almost 500 kilometers through Germany. On the occasion of the painter’s 250th birthday, museums in Hamburg, Berlin and […]

“Reichsbürger”: About ex-NVA officer on military material

A large group of “Reich citizens” is said to have planned a violent overthrow in Germany. The first suspects have already been charged. But new details keep emerging. According to files from the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), the alleged “Reich Citizens” group, which is said to have planned a coup, wanted to obtain military […]

According to the study, CO2 emissions are at their lowest level since the 1950s

Germany emits fewer greenhouse gases than it has for a long time. This is what experts from the Agora Energiewende think tank assume. Last year, Germany produced fewer greenhouse gases than it has in seven decades. This is said to emerge from calculations by the Agora Energiewende think tank. However, an all-clear cannot be given. […]

Greenhouse gas emissions at their lowest level since the 1950s

Germany emits fewer greenhouse gases than it has for a long time. This is what experts from the Agora Energiewende think tank assume. But that sounds better than it is. According to preliminary calculations by the think tank Agora Energiewende, Germany produced fewer greenhouse gases last year than it has in seven decades. Accordingly, CO2 […]

Wolfgang Schäuble, Helmut Kohl and the CDU donations affair: “Such hatred”

Schäuble rose to prominence under Helmut Kohl, but after Kohl he fell. The two politicians fell out over the CDU donations affair. Helmut Kohl was seen as the eternal chancellor, Wolfgang Schäuble as his all-purpose weapon. Schäuble’s younger brother Thomas, among others, was convinced that without the Badener, the Palatinate would never have been able […]

Putin and Russia | Historian: “We could briefly see panic in the Kremlin”

Vladimir Putin was seen as a beacon of hope in the West, but today he is waging a war of aggression. Human rights activist Irina Scherbakova explains why she thought the Kremlin chief was dangerous early on – and what else she believes Putin can do. A democratic and peaceful Russia was what the Western […]

Magdeburg has a synagogue again

Magdeburg citizens destroyed the synagogue in their city during the National Socialist era in 1938. Now a new Jewish place of worship has been built – thanks to the decades-long commitment of Magdeburgers. A new synagogue has opened in the center of Magdeburg – 85 years after the destruction of the old Jewish place of […]

GDR civil rights activist Lengsfeld has left the CDU

Vera Lengsfeld no longer wants to be a member of political parties. “I also think the party system is outdated,” said the former GDR civil rights activist. The former GDR civil rights activist Vera Lengsfeld is no longer a member of the CDU after many years. The 71-year-old said when asked that she announced her […]

Wagenknecht starts: What does this mean for German politics?

Anyone who goes to the polls in 2024 could find a new party on the ballot. Today, the “Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance” is initially presented as an association. The long-time left-wing politician’s own party would be the next step. The 54-year-old seals the break with her comrades, but she doesn’t just target them. Many people no […]

But why is that so?

We celebrate 33 years of unity. I am 27 years old, born and raised in the East, but never experienced the Wall. And yet, like many in my generation, I feel East German. How can that be? The year I was born, Germany had been reunified for six years. I never experienced a wall that […]