
The Surprising Health Benefits of Vinegar: From Weight Loss to Cancer Prevention

Vinegar, which boasts a sour taste, is a food discovered accidentally during the alcohol fermentation process. Vinegar is very useful for our health. Acetic acid, one of the main components of vinegar, sterilizes and detoxifies the body, and the organic acids rich in vinegar help prevent various chronic diseases. Learn more about the other benefits […]

Cholesterol Variability as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Risk in the Elderly: Findings from APCMS 2024

▲Professor Hyeongjun Joo of Korea University Anam Hospital presented the results of the study on “Cholesterol Variability as a Potential Residual Cardiovascular Risk Factor in the Elderly” at the “Asia-Pacific International Cardiometabolic Syndromes Symposium (APCMS 2024) )” held in Conrad Seoul on the 26th and 27th. [메디칼업저버 박선혜 기자] The importance of monitoring total cholesterol […]

High Sodium Intake Among Patients with Heart Disease: A Concerning Trend

ㅣA research team from Athens Regional Hospital in Piedmont, USA, analyzed the NHANES dataㅣPatients with heart disease consume more than double the recommended daily intake of sodiumㅣOnly 1 in 10 patients with heart disease follow sodium intake guidelines One study found that 89% of heart disease patients exceed the recommended daily sodium intake. The results […]

High Sodium Intake Among Heart Disease Patients: Study Findings and Recommendations

ㅣA research team from Athens Regional Hospital in Piedmont, USA, analyzed the NHANES dataㅣPatients with heart disease consume more than double the recommended daily intake of sodiumㅣOnly 1 in 10 patients with heart disease follow sodium intake guidelines One study found that 89% of heart disease patients exceed the recommended daily sodium intake. The results […]

Innovative Approach for Diagnosing and Treating Tuberculous Pericarditis: A Multidisciplinary Success

▲Professor Jeong Mi-hyang, Department of Cardiology, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital. [메디칼업저버 박선혜 기자] It has been discovered that tuberculous pericarditis can be successfully diagnosed and treated using a new multidisciplinary approach. The research team, led by professors Mi-Hyang Jeong (corresponding author) of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and Joo-Hyeon Oh (co-first author) of the Department […]

Socioeconomic Status as a Significant Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease: Study Reveals Findings

Professor Kim Hak-ryeong, Department of Cardiology, Boramae Hospital [메디칼업저버 박선재 기자] Research findings have shown that socioeconomic status is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, regardless of baseline cardiovascular risk. The Cardiovascular Medicine Research Group of Boramae Hospital (Professors Kim Hak-ryeong and Lim Woo-hyeon) and Professor Jeong Jae-hoon of Dongguk University Medical School Ilsan […]

Signs Your Body is Telling You to Reduce Your Sodium Intake

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting salt intake to 5 g and sodium intake to less than 2 g per day. This is because sodium, the main ingredient in salt, causes hypertension, obesity, aging and heart disease. The average sodium intake of Koreans is 4.6 g, which is more than double the recommended amount, […]

Managing Glycogen Disease: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment Options

After eating food, our body’s blood sugar levels rise and fall. When blood sugar levels drop after a meal, the liver must convert glycogen into glucose to bring it back to normal levels. Currently, “glycogen disease” is a rare and incurable disease in which the enzyme that converts glycogen to glucose is deficient. If you […]

4 Vegetable Oils that Help Manage Cholesterol Levels

It is known that oil intake should be limited if blood cholesterol levels are excessively high. This is because the fat content in the ingested oil oxidizes in the blood vessels, blocking them, causing dyslipidemia and various complications of cardiovascular disease. However, if you consume an adequate amount of vegetable fats, which are rich in […]

Adaptation to Spring: Understanding Fatigue and Its Potential Causes

In spring you may feel drowsy even in the middle of the day, and the drowsiness may not go away. This is because the body, accustomed to winter, needs time to adapt to the longer daylight hours. When spring arrives, these symptoms that appear when the biological rhythm changes are called “spring fever”. Usually, spring […]