
Several Russian planes bomb Ukraine

The Russian air defense apparently killed its own soldiers. Japan sends help with drone detection. All information in the news blog. The most important things at a glance SPD parliamentary group leader criticizes former Federal President Gauck after Taurus demand 6.40 a.m.: SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich has harshly criticized former Federal President Joachim […]

Ukrainian Air Force reports Russian bombers in the air

The Russian air defense apparently killed its own soldiers. Japan sends help with drone detection. All information in the news blog. The most important things at a glance Ukrainian Air Force: Russian bombers in the air 4.10 a.m.: The Ukrainian Air Force warns the population of air strikes. At least nine Russian Tu-95 bombers took […]

Russian bombers in the air

The Russian air defense apparently killed its own soldiers. Japan sends help with drone detection. All information in the news blog. The most important things at a glance Ukrainian Air Force: Russian bombers in the air 4.10 a.m.: The Ukrainian Air Force warns the population of air strikes. At least nine Russian Tu-95 bombers took […]