
Takaki Watarai: “I Will Not Be Ashamed of My Praise”

Watarai was deeply moved and said, “As long as you have received praise, do not be ashamed of your praise.” After the practice game against DeNA held in Ginowan on the 15th, Nippon-Ham manager Tsuyoshi Shinjo sent a “boss-style cheer” to DeNA’s first draft pick, outfielder Takaki Watarai. On that day, he was the “No. […]

DeNA1 Baseball: Turning Point for Offense with Rookie Watarai

DeNA1’s No. 2 hitter last season had the worst batting average and on-base percentage in the league. DeNA ranked third last year with 74 wins, 66 losses and 3 draws. Although they secured Class A for the second consecutive year, they were 12 games behind the winner, Hanshin. Looking at the batting records, there is […]

DeNA’s Rookie Takateru Watarai Impresses with Sacrifice Fly in Practice Game

DeNA’s Dora 1, Watarai, played a low inside corner and threw a sacrifice fly to the right. On the 12th, DeNA’s No. 1 draft rookie, outfielder Takateru Watarai, participated in a practice game against Chunichi (Ginowan) and hit a sacrifice fly. The fans were surprised by the technique with which he delivered the difficult ball, […]

The Innocent Talents of Takaki: Bringing Joy to Yokohama Stadium

A Glimpse into the Innocence and Passion of DeNA’s Takateru Watarai In a thrilling draft meeting, outfielder Takateru Watarai from ENEOS emerged as the top pick for DeNA, triumphing over fierce competition from three other teams. Despite facing disappointment in his bid to become a professional player during his time at Yokohama High School, Watarai’s […]

Dora’s Random Gesture: DeNA Outfielder Takateru Watarai’s Neat Slippers Impress Fans During First Meeting with Director Miura

Watarai’s Thoughtful Gesture Wins Over DeNA Fans at 1st Meeting with Director Miura DeNA’s first-round pick, outfielder Takateru Watarai from ENEOS, has already made a positive impression on fans with his thoughtful gesture. Following the draft meeting on the 26th, Watarai efficiently arranged his slippers, readying himself for the arrival of DeNA manager Daisuke Miura, […]

Former Yakult Player Hirofumi Watarai’s Son, Takaki, Drafted First by DeNA: A Tale of Redemption and Family Joy

DeNA Selects Takaki Watarai in the 2023 Professional Baseball Draft The highly anticipated “2023 Professional Baseball Draft Meeting Sponsored by Lipovitan D” took place on the 26th, ultimately leading to the selection of ENEOS outfielder Takaki Watarai as the first pick by DeNA. This achievement holds special significance for Watarai, who had previously faced disappointment […]

Top Players to Watch in Kanagawa’s Draft: ENEOS’ Takateru Watarai, Yokohama Toin University’s Kosaki, Yokohama High School’s Haruki Sugiyama, and More

Spotlight on Rising Baseball Stars from Kanagawa The DeNA baseball team held a special scouting meeting on the 25th at their Yokohama office, in preparation for the upcoming draft meeting on the 26th. This year, however, they surprised everyone by not revealing their first pick in advance. Tatsuya Shindo, the team’s assistant general manager and […]