
Maximize Muscle Growth: A Guide for Men to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

man losing weightYou should also focus on building muscles. Because muscle mass helps burn energy. Helps maintain body weight within normal limits. It affects your overall health AND also makes you look well-proportionedHow to build muscle for men Intensive formula! We share how to grow muscles faster. Try to follow a good method. We do […]

Simple Exercises to Stimulate the Brain and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Slowing down brain degeneration It can be done in many ways Whether it is choosing to eat good, nutritious foods Exercising regularly, socializing or doing activities to stimulate the brain. how to play brain games You can also do simple exercises. There is no need to waste a lot of sweat. But it stimulates the […]

The Power of Exercise: How It Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Previously, there was a debate in the foreign online world that said: “exercise” helpReduces stressANDAnxietyIs it really possible? The origin of the story comes fromworking ageOne person came out and shared their story. Her life was quite stressful. But I’m a person who likes to exercise. which made him feel better But later he sprained […]

Farewell My Concubine: Tianjin Youth Peking Opera Troupe Showcases Chinese Cultural Charm with Famous Celebrities

Original title: Tianjin Youth Peking Opera Troupe performing “Farewell My Concubine” (title) Famous celebrities lead famous dramas to show the charm of Chinese culture (pictures) (theme) Tianjin Daily News (reporter Liu Lili, photo by Yao Wensheng) Last night, “Farewell My Concubine” practiced by the Tianjin Youth Peking Opera Troupe was performed in the Chinese Theater, […]

5 Essential Exercise Guidelines for Overweight Individuals

For those who know they are overweight You should seriously check your health before exercising. Not just to evaluate whether the heart is functioning normally or not. but also to check for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or other risks to take into account during physical activity. Therefore, people who are faced with the problem […]

The Importance of Exercise and Healthy Eating for Cardiovascular Health

If we have the habit of regularly eating foods rich in cholesterol. Even not wanting to exercise as a habit can cause damage to your body’s health. which is a risk factor causing disease especially cardiovascular disease Did you know? As for exercise that burns energy > 1500 Kcal/week, it will reduce the risk of […]

Farmed Insects to Tackle Jakarta’s Trash Problem

A man is trying to solve the large amount of garbage that has plagued Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, which has a population of over 10 million people, in recent years by starting a garbage treatment business that uses farm insects. The picture shows a man picking up rubbish covering the coast. Photo taken in Jakarta in […]