
Government of Mexico shares its “deep concern” over Iran’s attack against Israel

Through a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE)the Government of Mexico has expressed its deep concern about Iran’s recent attack against Israeli territory and has warned about the potential human costs of this action. The SRE condemns the use of force in international relations and calls on all parties involved to exercise restraint […]

AMLO suspends diplomatic relations with Ecuador

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, suspended diplomatic relations with Ecuador after the police raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito. In addition, he reported that he instructed Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcenas to proceed legally. “Alicia Bárcena, our Secretary of Foreign Affairs, has just informed me that Police from Ecuador forcibly entered our […]

We cannot wait for the United States.- AMLO

AMLO pointed out that we cannot continue waiting for the US to take initiative on immigration issues and that the union of countries on the continent is necessary. Credit: Special Summoned by AMLO, presidents of countries sending migrants proposed measures to mitigate the phenomenon, but Cuba and Venezuela chose to blame the US for the […]