
Fabiello: Manchester United’s Future Lies in Minna’s Hands

Fabiello: Manchester United must turn around Minna (Visionhaus via Getty Images) [Nawr Chwaraeon]Fàbregas, the second leading assist leader in Premier League history, praised new Manchester United star Minna, believing the Red Devils should use him as the core of an army. “In my opinion, he is not just the future, he is actually the present,” […]

Fabi’s Warning: Gunners Facing Extra Motivated Reds

Fabi reminds the Gunners: the Reds have extra motivation (Andrew Powell via Getty Images) [Now Sports]Former Arsenal star Fabigas has reminded them that they will not allow any more points to be dropped in the clash with Liverpool on Sunday, but he also believes that Gaupp’s announcement that he will leave at the end of […]