
Anne Will | Robert Habeck on TV: “We are surrounded by reality”

In the last “Anne Will” issue, the Vice Chancellor discussed the big picture of world politics – and at the end also briefly about the budget deficit. On the guest list: only one politician, the Green Economics Minister Robert Habeck, flanked by three scientists. On the agenda: the broad topic “The world in disorder – […]

When there is an objection, Israel’s ambassador loses his temper

Two weeks after the Hamas attack, Anne Will was talking about the war in Gaza – how heated the situation is was also clear in the TV studio. Ron Prosor, Israeli ambassador to GermanyNorbert Röttgen (CDU), member of the Foreign Affairs CommitteeFlorence Gaub, political scientistYassin Musharbash, journalist (“Die Zeit”)Hoda Salah, political scientistArye Sharuz Shalicar, spokesman […]

“When would you smash Edeka?”

Sahra Wagenknecht wants to take on the big supermarket chains. “When would you break up Edeka?” asks Markus Lanz. Sahra Wagenknecht wants to break the market power of some large corporations and is also targeting discounters. “Who are you thinking of, who would you ‘unbundle’?” asked Markus Lanz on Tuesday evening, adopting Wagenknecht’s choice of […]

“Ms. Wagenknecht, when would you break up Edeka?”

Sahra Wagenknecht wants to take on the big supermarket chains. “When would you break up Edeka?” asks Markus Lanz. Sahra Wagenknecht wants to break the market power of some large corporations and is also targeting discounters. “Who are you thinking of, who would you ‘unbundle’?” asked Markus Lanz on Tuesday evening, adopting Wagenknecht’s choice of […]