
Fermented Foods and Gut Health: The Link to Brain Health

Fermented foods support gut health, including the microbiome, and gut health leads to brain health. Posted on 02.06.2024 at 07.01 Posted on 02.06.2024 at 07.01 Modified on 02.5.2024 at 14.51 Views 5 Fermented foods like kimchi can be beneficial for brain health or mental health, as well as gut health. [사진=게티이미지]Eating fermented foods like kimchi […]

Boost Your Immunity with a Healthy Gut

Fiber intake, which nourishes intestinal microorganisms, stress management and sufficient sleep are also important. Posted 2024.01.09 20:06 Views 4 Posted 2024.01.09 20:06 Modified 2024.01.08 18:09 Views 4 The flu is sweeping across the country this winter. In times like these, it is more important to take care of your immunity. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The flu is spreading across […]

The Importance of Regular Bowel Movements: Understanding Frequency and Healthy Habits

Gastroenterologist: “Regular bowel movement without discomfort is important, not frequency.” Posted on 29.12.2023 17:37 Views 6 Posted on 29.12.2023 17:37 Modified 29.12.2023 17:38 Views 6 Is going to the bathroom every day good for your health? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Many people think that going to the bathroom every day is healthy. This may seem plausible, considering that bowel […]

Understanding Colon Cancer: Causes, Treatment, and Survival Rates

According to experts, colon cancer is often considered more serious compared to other forms of cancer. One reason is the perception that the surgical procedure for treating colon cancer is risky and extensive. There is also fear among patients regarding potential complications, such as the need for a colostomy implant due to eating disorders or […]

Understanding the Connection Between Colon Cancer and Lifestyle Factors

Colon Cancer: A Comprehensive Exploration 3/10 Addressing the Link Between Constipation and Colon Cancer One common concern is whether constipation can lead to colon cancer. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, constipation often stems from a low intake of dietary fiber due to the regular consumption of fast food. Additionally, suppressing the natural urge to defecate during […]

Preventing Colon Cancer: The Importance of Colonoscopy and Early Detection

Colon Cancer: Prevention through Colonoscopy Colon cancer, once considered a dreaded disease, can now be prevented through colonoscopy screenings. Colon cancer ranks as one of the most feared cancers due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. In Korea, it is the third most common cancer, following thyroid and lung cancers. According to the ‘National […]

The Importance of Maintaining Intestinal Health: Tips from a Gastroenterology Expert

Title: Gastroenterologist Shares Insights on Maintaining Intestinal Health Author: Xu Yun Photography: Zhong Hanping Colon and rectal cancer, two of the most prevalent types of cancer in Hong Kong, continue to be a cause for concern. The large intestine, measuring approximately 1.5 meters long, plays a crucial role in the digestion process, taking around 16 […]

“Intestinal” dysfunction can be a cause of anxiety and “depression”

Key Points: The “gut” is called the “2nd brain” of humans, and it can work on its own. decide automatically and the brain does not require command from the nervous system and can produce certain neurotransmitters associated with mental health “Serotonin” (Serotonin) is a neurotransmitter that is produced from the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract up […]