
The Tale of Dr. Sun Weidong: From Success to Homelessness

Our lives are uncertain! Revealing the story and reasons why Dr. Sun Weidong, a 54-year-old man from Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, has many talents and should have a bright future. Instead, he became homeless in the United States. Photo of Dr Sun lying on the side of the road on a cardboard box with a […]

The Journey of Ted Williams: From Homelessness to the King of Golden Voices

Introducing Ted Williams, the renowned voice with a remarkable story. From experiencing homelessness, addiction, and a life of crime, he managed to bounce back and reclaim his place as the king of golden voices in the media industry. This article shares two crucial lessons derived from Ted’s life. First, it explores the journey from prosperity […]

Study Shows Universal Basic Income Reduces Homelessness and Promotes Financial Stability

Studies have revealed the benefits of Universal Basic Income (UBI) or direct financial assistance in reducing homelessness and encouraging people to return to work. While money may not be the sole source of happiness, numerous academic studies have shown that increased income leads to a more fulfilling life. The Denver Basic Income Project, headed by […]

6 organizations behind the ‘Villa King’ revealed… 1,200 ordinary people betrayed

◀ Anchor ▶ After more than six months of intense fighting, the police arrested around 1,900 people, including the charter fraudsters who put the so-called ‘Villa King’ in the front. There were more than 1,200 victims, mostly young people in their 2.30s and the working class. Reporter Cha Hyun-jin covered the story. ◀ Report ▶ […]

“Don’t go” pretends to buy food for a homeless woman … Laughter is left behind at the cash register Rush to criticism of the video, the city also grasps: J-CAST News[arddangosfa testun llawn]

A controversial video has been posted online showing an elderly homeless woman pretending to buy food and leaving it at a convenience store register. It is believed to have been posted on TikTok, and a search reveals many other videos harassing the woman. We asked the department in charge of Naka Ward, Nagoya City, which […]