
The President of the College defends negotiations with holders

The president of Berlin’s Humboldt College is criticized for tolerating the occupation of areas by pro-Palestinian activists. Now she explains her causes. The President of Humboldt College (HU) Berlin, Julia von Blumenthal, has defended her technique of dialogue with the occupiers of college areas who’re pro-Palestinian. “Now we have reached a restrict with our tolerance […]

University of Bremen: Protest camp of pro-Palestinian activists

The conflict in the Middle East has also reached German universities. After occupations in Berlin and Leipzig, there is also an action at the University of Bremen. The police are on site. Pro-Palestinian activists have set up a protest camp in a building at the University of Bremen. Around 25 to 30 people came together […]

President of the Central Council expresses concern about university protests

At many US universities, pro-Palestinian protests have sometimes turned violent. There was also a demonstration in front of the Humboldt University in Berlin. The President of the Central Council of Jews warns. After a pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel protest at Humboldt University in Berlin, the president of the Central Council of Jews warned of conditions similar […]

NATO Agrees to Launch Long-Term Military Aid Plan for Ukraine Despite Disagreements

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) agreed to launch a long-term military aid plan for Ukraine at a meeting of foreign ministers held at its headquarters in Brussels on the 3rd. Photo taken in October 2021 (2024 Reuters/Pascal Rossignol) [ブリュッセル 3日 ロイター] – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) agreed to launch a long-term military […]

Ukraine Removes List of “War Support Companies” Amid International Pressure

On March 22, Ukraine announced that it had rescinded its list of “war support companies,” which included about 50 large companies deemed to be indirectly supporting the war through their operations in Russia. There was opposition to this response from countries such as Austria and China. The photo is of President Zelenskiy. Representative photo taken […]

Five Eastern EU States Call for Import Duties on Ukrainian Grain Due to Unfair Competition

The five eastern member states of the European Union (EU) have called on the EU to impose import duties on grain from Ukraine, citing unfair competition. The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture announced this on the 15th. Photo taken in May 2022 (2024 Reuters/Dado Ruvic/Illustration) [ブダペスト 15日 ロイター] – The five eastern member states of the […]

Suzuki to Suspend Production in Hungary Due to Parts Shortages

On January 15, Suzuki announced that it would suspend production at its factory in the northern Hungarian city of Esztergom for a week. The picture is the company logo. Photograph taken in October 2017 in Tokyo (2024 Reuters / Toru Hanai) [ブダペスト 15日 ロイター] – Suzuki (7269.T) announced on the 15th that it will suspend […]

Turkey Promises US to Act in Accordance with NATO Terms for F-16 Sale

Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan spoke by phone with US Secretary of State Blinken on the 27th, and Turkey promised that the US would act in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance and sell fighter jets F -16 made by the United States to Turkey. He said he hoped to protect it. Picture […]