
What is Gastric Atony and How to Manage It: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are people who have difficulty digesting food even if they take digestive medications after the meal, and the feeling of bloating persists for a long time even if no major problems occurred during the gastroscopy. In these cases, “gastric atony” may be suspected, a sort of functional indigestion. If your upper abdomen hurts and […]

Recognizing Heart Attack Symptoms in Women: What to Watch Out For

Warning signs of heart attack that can occur especially in women Posted on 02.26.2024 at 09.03 Posted on 02.26.2024 at 09.03 Modified on 02.26.2024 at 09.14 Views 7 Some heart attack symptoms are subtle and difficult to notice. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When you think of a heart attack, you might think of a person clutching their chest and […]

The Dangers of Sleeping Face Down: Protecting Your Spine and Health

Posted 2024.01.08 12:30 Views 2 Posted 2024.01.08 12:30 Modified 2024.01.08 13:08 Views 2 The habit of sleeping face down can destroy the balance of the spine and ruin the health of the neck and back, so caution is required. . [사진=클립아트코리아] Office workers and students who sit at desks for long periods of time often […]

The Healing Effects of Long-Term Massage at Yakson World Gangnam Healing Center

The Benefits of Long-Term Massage for Natural Healing Improving Intestinal Function Many people struggle with maintaining a healthy balance of the autonomic nervous system, leading to disrupted intestinal function caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits. Yakson World Gangnam Healing Center offers long-term massage that stimulates the navel and brain to restore the balance of […]

Combat Winter Indigestion with Healthy Eating and Posture

Combat Indigestion with Posture and Stretching Exercises As temperatures drop, it’s common to experience indigestion due to decreased physical activity and slowed bowel movements. The cold weather also acts as a stressor on the body, interfering with digestion. When under stress, the sympathetic nervous system becomes overactive, reducing blood flow to the stomach and decreasing […]

10 Essential Tips for Healthy Eating Habits: A Guide to Improving Your Body and Mind

Tips for Healthy Eating Habits The Impact of Diet on Overall Health Our body and mind are significantly influenced by the food we eat and how we consume it. Eating right isn’t just crucial for weight management; it also offers numerous benefits such as disease prevention, increased energy levels, and better overall well-being. Here are […]