
Huang Renxun Actively Maintains Leading Advantage of AI Chips as AMD MI300 Series is Released

AI Chip Competition Intensifies as AMD Releases MI300 Series The recent public declaration by the United States Secretary of Commerce, Raimondo, labeling China as the “biggest threat” to the United States, has sent shockwaves across the tech industry. NVDA-US has echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of not sacrificing national security for economic gain. The […]

AMD MI300 Series Release Aims to Ease AI Chip Shipping Congestion

AMD MI300 Series Released to Alleviate AI Chip Shortage In response to recent comments by the Secretary of Commerce of the United States, Raimondo, regarding China as the “biggest threat” to the United States, NVDA-US has expressed concerns about sacrificing national security for financial gain by selling chips to China. This has had an impact […]