
Health Net “To prevent joints from getting stuck, nutritionist: not only calcium supplement but also “these” – Free Health Net

Want to prevent joint jams? Nutritionists recommend supplementing vitamins D and C. Such as: egg yolk (left) contains vitamin D; guava contains vitamin C. (The picture is taken from freepik; synthesized by Health Network) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]”Joint stagnation” is usually caused by long-term wear and tear, and it is common in the elderly, obese people, […]

You may be unable to walk to get rid of knee pain!

The most commonly used treatment for arthritis is steroids. It is used in various forms such as oral medicine, ointment for application, or injection. However, despite its universal use, there are many concerns about the side effects of steroids. This information was explained in detail by Dr. Joseph Mercola, a senior researcher at the American […]

“Did you smoke marijuana?”… catch in 5 minutes

Basic Science Research Institute, on-site immediate diagnostic test equipment development marijuana plant on outdoor cannabis farm [사진=게티이미지뱅크] [아시아경제 김봉수 기자] Marijuana legalization is growing in the United States and Europe. However, if you drive within 3 to 4 hours after taking marijuana, a situation similar to drunk driving can occur, so prompt diagnosis and response […]

SAM EDELMAN cross-border joint show, stunning magic capital debuts at FASHION ZOO 2021 to show contemporary luxury style_TOM News

From October 16th to 18th, SAM EDELMAN, who first landed in the Shanghai FASHION ZOO 2021 International Youth Fashion Culture and Art Festival and was highly acclaimed, presented a splendid cross-border joint show for domestic consumers, with elegance and exquisiteness. The brush strokes perfectly interpret the “New Lazy Luxury” lazy new luxury style that is […]