
Top 10 Fruits to Avoid and Enjoy for People with Kidney Disease

10 fruits that people with kidney disease should not eat When you suffer from kidney disease, some fruits may contain traces of minerals or substances. that affect kidney health Therefore, you should carefully eat or avoid fruits that contain high amounts of minerals that are good for the kidneys, in order to prevent kidney damage […]

1 out of every 3 people with diabetes has kidney disease!Doctor: 8 risk groups are careless because they have no symptoms – Free Health Network

Wu Maisi, chairman of the Taiwan Renal Medicine Society, said that kidney disease will be accompanied by serious problems such as diabetes and heart failure. According to statistics, 1 in every 3 diabetic patients may develop kidney disease; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik) [Reporter Luo Guojia/Taipei Report]Don’t ignore kidney disease! […]

[반려동물 건강이야기] The tip of my nose twitches. Your breath is so strong. This is why cats have bad breath.

‘, // Previous button nextArrow: ‘next’, // Next button dots: false, // pager infinite: true, // Infinite skipping autoplay: false, // Automatic switching adaptiveHeight: true, //autoplaySpeed: 3000, / / Automatic switching speed: 300 // Skipping speed }); }); //–> #1 [반려동물 건강이야기] The tip of my nose twitches~ Your strong, strong breath Why do cats […]

The Top 8 Foods to Avoid for Kidney Health

8 Foods that Could Harm Your Kidneys As the saying goes, you are what you eat. This is especially true when it comes to the health of your kidneys. Certain foods can put your kidneys at risk, potentially leading to kidney disease or other complications. Here are eight foods to be mindful of: 1. Foods […]

Causes of Foul Urine Odor: Potential Underlying Health Conditions and Implications

Common Causes of Unusual Urine Smells 1. Medications and Supplements Consuming certain medications or vitamin supplements can lead to changes in urine smell. Individuals taking antibiotics, drugs in the Sulfonamide group, or supplements such as B vitamins and iron may notice a strong odor in their urine. If this is bothersome, consult a doctor to […]

Understanding and Managing Kidney Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Newsworthy Alert: Stay Informed About Kidney Disease The telltale sign indicating the presence of kidney disease in patients is the presence of foamy urine. This abnormal urine appears either colorless or cloudy and is accompanied by swelling throughout the entire body. Notably, the eyelids, legs, and feet become noticeably swollen, and individuals may experience back […]