
Health Minister Veena George declares Nipah under control in Kozhikode district as positive cases decline

Health Minister Veena George: Nipah Situation in Kozhikode Under Control Minister assures public that Nipah outbreak is contained Kozhikode district’s Health Minister, Veena George, addressed the media after a comprehensive review meeting on the Nipah virus. With no new positive cases reported today, the situation is looking promising. The health condition of Nipah-positive patients currently […]

Nipah Virus Outbreak in Kerala: Health Minister Confirms Four Cases

Health Minister Confirms Nipah Virus in Kerala: Four Cases Reported Kozhikode, Kerala – The Health Minister of Kerala, Veena George, has officially confirmed four cases of Nipah virus in the state. Of these four cases, two individuals have unfortunately succumbed to the disease, while the other two are currently receiving treatment. The confirmation came after […]

Preventing Nipah: Dispelling Misinformation and Protecting Against the Virus

Kottayam and Kozhikode: Preventing the Spread of Nipah As two tragic deaths have been linked to the Nipah virus, it is crucial to combat misinformation surrounding the disease. By understanding the facts and taking necessary precautions, we can effectively prevent the further spread of Nipah. Wear a Mask with a Purpose Contrary to popular belief, […]

Understanding Nipah Virus and Taking Precautions: What You Need to Know

Nipah Virus: Understanding the Disease and Taking Precautions What is Nipah Virus? Nipah virus is a highly contagious disease that spreads from animals to humans. It is transmitted from infected bats or pigs and can also be passed from one human to another. Confirmation and Testing Nipah virus can be confirmed through various testing methods. […]