
Park Shin-yang “I can’t stand for even 30 minutes a day”… What is this ‘disease’ he suffers from?

[셀럽헬스] Actor Park Shin-yang confesses to having hyperthyroidism Entered 2024.02.23 07:02 Entered 2024.02.23 07:02 Modified 2024.02.22 22:42 Views 1,707 Actress Park Shin-yang appeared on a variety show for the first time in seven years and revealed that she suffers from hyperthyroidism. [사진= tvN ‘유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭’]Actress Park Shin-yang appeared on a variety show […]

Understanding Vaginal Farts: Causes, Myths, and Normalcy

Vaginal farts are not necessarily due to aging… they can come out at any time if air fills the vagina due to a change in posture. Entered 2024.01.05 11:35 Views 3,224 Entered 2024.01.05 11:35 Modified 2024.01.05 17:13 Views 3,224 A fart is the sound that comes out of a woman’s vagina. Regardless of ageing, this […]

Incredible Birth: Baby Delivered Safely After Rare Intraperitoneal Ectopic Pregnancy

Incredibly Rare Intraperitoneal Ectopic Pregnancy Ends with Safe Birth at 29 Weeks Published: 2023.12.13 14:46 | Views: 15 | Modified: 2023.12.13 14:51 | Views: 15 A case reported in the New England Journal of Medicine has shed light on an extremely rare medical occurrence: a woman diagnosed with an intraperitoneal ectopic pregnancy who went on […]

The Health Benefits of Museum Visits: Stress Relief, Dementia Prevention, and More

The Health Benefits of Regular Museum Visits According to Emma Dupuy, a postdoc in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Montreal, Canada, visiting museums can have positive effects on both physical and mental health. In a recent article for The Conversation, Dupuy highlights the stress-relieving and potentially preventive effects of museum visits on dementia and […]

Childhood Pet Ownership and Reduction of Anxiety Disorders: The Long-Term Effects

Extended Pet Ownership Linked to Reduced Risk of Childhood Anxiety Disorders According to a recent study published in the academic journal BMC Pediatrics, owning a pet during childhood, particularly a dog, has been associated with a lower risk of developing anxiety disorders later in life. Anxiety disorders, characterized by persistent and excessive worry, fear, or […]

The Effect of Pet Ownership on Childhood Anxiety Disorders

The Impact of Pet Ownership on Childhood Anxiety Disorders Recent research suggests that owning a pet, especially a dog, during childhood may have a significant impact on reducing the incidence of anxiety disorders later in life. Anxiety disorders, characterized by persistent and excessive worry and fear, can have a profound effect on an individual’s daily […]

Nasty Farts: Causes and Solutions during Menstruation

The Connection Between Menstruation and Increased Flatulence Women often experience an increase in flatulence and a more unpleasant odor during menstruation. This has raised questions about how to manage this uncomfortable symptom, as seen in the case of Kim Hyun-ji, a 31-year-old woman living in Oksu-dong, Seoul. She has noticed a significant increase in the […]

Celiac Disease: The Unexpected Link to Psychotic Symptoms

Unanticipated Psychotic Symptoms in a Celiac Disease Patient A woman in Massachusetts, USA, recently made headlines for exhibiting psychotic symptoms as a result of her undiagnosed celiac disease. The 37-year-old, while pursuing her doctorate degree, experienced delusions and hallucinations, leading her to attempt to harm her own parents. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that […]

Boost Your Brain: The Effects of Squats on Brain Activity

Squatting for Brain Health: New Study Shows Surprising Results A recent study has shown that performing squats for just one minute every 20 minutes can have a significant impact on brain activity, even for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The findings, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology and reported by the health and […]