
Neighbor’s Reminder Leads to Shocking Discovery: Boyfriend’s Betrayal Exposed

A female netizen posted on the Internet that her neighbor reminded her one day, “Can you talk a little bit please?” She was shocked to realize that her boyfriend had been cut short. (Image/Father-splash) A female netizen posted on the Internet that she met her neighbor one day, and the other party said that she […]

Brugada asks neighbors for security links for CDMX

A neighboring security link per block, proposed Clara Brugada, candidate for Head of Government for the Let’s Keep Making History coalition. YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: The best Metro in the world, promises Clara Brugada The Morena-PT-Verde standard bearer indicated that The links would have the function of communicating security programs and actions to their neighbors, […]

The Rise of Columbarium Houses: An Alternative to Expensive Cemeteries

Due to the high price of cemeteries, high management fees, and short leasing periods, more and more people are choosing to buy property in communities with low unit prices to place urns for worship. (Image / reproduced from Bezel) The phenomenon of “columbarium” has recently appeared in many places in mainland China. This means that […]

A Daughter Gets Upset Over Her Mother’s Comments On Her Writing Skills

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The Link Between Social Environments and Suicide Risk: A Call for Universal Prevention Strategies

The social environment, even at the community level, increases the risk of suicide… A universal approach is needed Posted 2024.02.11 21:05 Posted 2024.02.11 21:05 Modified 2024.02.11 08:44 Views 2 In addition to the individual level, social factors such as community atmosphere and policies have been found to significantly increase the risk of suicide. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Suicide, which […]

Jurassic Dispute: Neighborhood Upset Over Giant Dinosaur Statue

Some things we think are cute But other people might not think so! Girl from Beijing I really like dinosaurs. Order a huge dinosaur statue, priced at 100,000 yuan (about 500,000 baht), to put in the garden. Scared the neighbor across the street to the point where he couldn’t sleep. dinosaur statue “Brachiosaurus”, a long-necked, […]