
Whistleblower warns young Canadians of a surge in neurological diseases

(Central News Agency Ottawa Comprehensive Foreign Telegraph Report on the 3rd) The whistleblower warned that a progressive neurological disease has appeared in New Brunswick, Canada. Experts have been puzzled for more than two years, and it seems to be affecting more and more young people. The cognitive function of some patients deteriorated rapidly. [廣告] Please […]

Changji Yongjian Pulmonary Patient Care Group Learns about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Society-HiNetLife History

[Focus Times/Reporter Lin Mingyou]The Changji Medical Center held the “Brave Pulmonary Patient Care Group” activity today (6). Patients and their families with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and their families will be given medical lectures by Lin Junwei, the chief physician of the Department of Thoracic Medicine A better understanding of this disease allows […]

Zhang Fengshu’s new book seminar on October 25th, Chen Ziliang, head of the Hsinchu Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medicine University, shared the prevention of colorectal cancer-Health-HiNet Lifestyle

[Newspaper/Zeng Peiteng/Report from Hsinchu County]The artist Zhang Fengshu published his book “High-efficiency Cancer Care Method”, which has been gathered for more than a year, and he has accompanied his father through the treatment path. The Hsinchu Affiliated Medical University held a new book seminar to share 5 secrets of peace of mind, anti-cancer physical and […]

“Horizon Western Forbidden Land” developer: will not compromise on the PS4 version-Technology-HiNet生活志

[廣告] Please continue reading New head shell newtalk “Horizon Forbidden West” (Horizon Forbidden West) is expected to be exclusively launched on PlayStation4 and PlayStation5 on February 18, 2022. The official PlayStation blog also released a special article yesterday, sharing the creation process of the original protagonist “Yaloi” and mentioning how the sequel benefited from the […]

What can parents do to protect their children? -Health-HiNet Lifestyle

[Healthcare Network/Editorial Department]What can parents do to protect their children with the Delta virus strain? According to Cleveland Medical Center, pediatric infectious disease expert Camille Sabella, MD, the best way to prevent the virus is to get vaccinated. If the child is too young to be vaccinated, what can be done is to ensure other […]