
The Power of Positive Thinking: Three Lifestyle Habits to Beat Cancer

NK Cell Activation: A Potential Weapon Against Cancer Improving Lifestyle Habits for Cancer Patients In the face of a cancer diagnosis, one of the first steps towards overcoming the disease is to make positive changes in lifestyle habits. This includes managing one’s diet, exercising regularly to maintain a healthy weight, and cultivating a positive mindset. […]

Xcell Therapeutics Joins National Project for Cell-Based Artificial Blood Manufacturing and Display Platform Development

Xcell Therapeutics Joins Cell-Based Artificial Blood Manufacturing Project On the 24th, Xcell Therapeutics, a leading company in the advanced biotech industry, announced its participation in the “cell-based artificial blood display and manufacturing platform technology development project.” The company has finalized an agreement with the Cell-Based Artificial Blood Technology Development Group to proceed with the project. […]