
Suea Cement Boxing Battle: The 23rd Pure Muay Thai Competition

Suea Cement Boxing Fight: The Ultimate Muay Thai Competition November 3, 2023 By [Author Name] The Purebred Muay Thai 23rd Edition: A Battle for Glory and Prizes A thrilling tournament awaits Muay Thai enthusiasts as the 23rd Purebred Muay Thai competition, known as the Suea Cement Boxing Fight, kicks off. With a total prize pool […]

November Outlook: Risks from Israel-Hamas Conflict Impact Oil Prices, Inflation, and Stock Market

Asia Plus Securities highlights the ongoing risks in November stemming from external factors, particularly the volatile war situation between Israel and Hamas. This precarious scenario holds significant sway in dictating the direction of crucial economic indicators such as oil prices, inflation rates, interest rates, and the stock market. Internally, the SET Index has recently experienced […]