
Escape from plastic on Earth Day! – Policies spoken by the people | news

April 22nd is ‘Earth Day’, a global environmental day in which the whole world participates, so every year a common global theme is chosen, and this year’s theme is ‘Planet vs. Plastic’. April 22nd to 28th, including Earth Day, is Climate Change Week, and various environmental events are being held. PET bottle. I know very […]

Cultural Heritage Administration personnel appointment – press release | briefing room

In accordance with the policy briefing post operating principles, the following posts may be deleted or the account may be blocked. 1. When posting personal information or relevant information such as another person’s email address, phone number, or resident registration number 2. In case of defaming another person with unconfirmed content 3. When disseminating or […]

National Institute of Forest Science holds medicinal tree planting event to celebrate Arbor Day – Press release | briefing room

In accordance with the policy briefing post operating principles, the following posts may be deleted or the account may be blocked. 1. When posting personal information or such information, such as another person’s email address, phone number, or resident registration number 2. In case of defaming another person with unconfirmed content 3. When disseminating or […]