
AfD Baden-Württemberg | Alice Weidel: A spark in the powder keg

The AfD in Baden-Württemberg is shattered; two camps are fighting each other before a special party conference. It’s about real estate transactions, personal details – and always: AfD leader Alice Weidel. Open war – this is how the state in which the AfD Baden-Württemberg currently finds itself can be described. At the weekend, the regional […]

After military strike against Houthi: Militia threatens escalation

The USA wants to bring the powder keg of the Middle East under control with air strikes against pro-Iranian militias. But does it work? The overview. Against the backdrop of the Gaza war, the USA is increasing pressure against pro-Iranian militias in the Middle East. Together with British forces, the US Air Force again attacked […]

Middle East War: Together into the abyss

The Israeli ground offensive in Gaza is still imminent and could set the entire region on fire. That’s what Hamas is hoping for and that’s what Hezbollah is ready for. A few days ago I came across a little book with the astonishing title: “The Pleasure of Hatred.” Written in 1826 by a Brit named […]

Anti-Semitism in Berlin at pro-Palestine demos – is there a threat of escalation?

Good morning, dear reader, The images and news that reached us this week are shocking: During pro-Palestine demonstrations in Berlin-Neukölln, bottles, stones and fireworks were thrown at the emergency services, injuring several officers. Cars were set on fire. In Frankfurt, police used water cannons to break up a previously banned meeting. Unknown people also threw […]

How can hatred of Jews be stopped?

Good morning, dear reader, The images and news that reached us this week are shocking: During pro-Palestine demonstrations in Berlin-Neukölln, bottles, stones and fireworks were thrown at the emergency services, injuring several officers. Cars were set on fire. In Frankfurt, police used water cannons to break up a previously banned meeting. Unknown people also threw […]