
Number of internal refugees worldwide at record high

Wars, conflicts and disasters plunge millions of people into misery. The majority seek refuge elsewhere in their home country. Wars and conflicts have pushed the number of people fleeing their own country to a new record worldwide. At the end of 2023, 75.9 million people were internally displaced – that is, they had fled their […]

Regime executes over 700 people

The number of executions in Iran is currently at a record high. Most people are hanged for alleged drug crimes, and there are virtually no fair trials. But the list of human rights violations is even longer. On average, the Iranian regime will execute people twice a day in 2023, often in secret and without […]

Forsa survey: AfD at all-time high

According to a current Forsa survey, the AfD is at 23 percent. This is the highest value determined at the federal level. The AfD achieved 23 percent in a current Forsa survey, making it its highest value to date at the federal level determined by the institute. The party improved by one percentage point compared […]

Iran: Regime increasingly uses death penalty

In the shadow of the Middle East war, the number of executions in Iran is at a record high. An expert sees a crucial reason for this. With a rope around their neck, they are slowly pulled up by a crane until they lose their breath and their necks break: regime forces in Iran are […]

DAX rises to record high

The year-end rally on the stock market continues: The Dax rose significantly on Tuesday. The reason for this is the prospect of falling key interest rates. The German stock index (Dax) reached a high on Tuesday. The leading index climbed by 0.78 percent to 16,533.87 points in the late afternoon, surpassing the record from the […]

Free voters with Aiwanger at a record high, CSU at a low

Markus Söder’s CSU is stuck in a low spot in the polls before the state elections. Hubert Aiwanger’s Free Voters, on the other hand, continue to gain popularity among voters. Almost four weeks before the Bavarian state elections, the CSU is in a low mood, while the Free Voters are reaching a record high after […]

AfD reaches highest value since 2018

According to a survey, the AfD is clearly gaining in popularity. Biggest loser: the Greens. That’s how far the party has slipped in a year. The AfD has achieved its best poll result in almost five years. This emerges from the Insa opinion trend for “Bild” (Wednesday edition), in which a representative mood of the […]