
JW Pharmaceutical’s Strong Third Quarter Sales Overshadowed by Fair Trade Commission Woes

JW Pharmaceutical’s Strong Q3 Performance Overshadowed by FTC Fine By Hongki Choi – Correspondent JW Pharmaceutical’s third-quarter financial report boasted impressive sales and operating profit, thanks to the success of its prescription and over-the-counter drug business. However, the company’s net profit suffered a significant setback, plunging into a deficit due to penalties imposed by the […]

Government Allocates Funds for Minister’s Spectacles Purchase

Thiruvananthapuram – In a recent development, the Department of Higher Education and Social Justice has allocated a sum of 30,500 rupees from the public treasury to purchase glasses for Minister R. Bindu. This decision was made after the finance department emphasized the financial challenges faced by the state government. The order states that the minister […]

Customer Demands Refund for Finding Cockroach in Seasoned Chicken from Famous Restaurant

Customer Demands Refund for Alleged Cockroach in Chicken By Ha-min Ha | 2023.11.04 07:21 A disgruntled customer recently claimed to have found a cockroach in their order of Galmuri flavored chicken, leading them to request a refund. The incident unfolded within the bustling community of self-employed individuals known as ‘I’m Sick, I’m the Boss’. Mr. […]

Controversy Surrounding Nam Hyun-hee Fencing Academy: Operations Suspended Amidst Allegations of Fraud and Sexual Violence

Nam Hyun-hee Fencing Academy Suspends Operations Amidst Controversy By Yang Yun-woo and Jeong Jin-sol | November 2, 2023 | Money Today Reporter Gangnam-gu, Seoul – On the 31st of last month, the ‘Nam Hyun-hee International Fencing Academy,’ established by former national fencing team member Nam Hyun-hee, was found locked and empty in Jagok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. […]

Customer Outrage Over Missing Chopsticks Leads to Refund Request

The Challenges Faced by a Delivery Food Business: A Customer Demands a Refund Over a Missing Chopstick By Jo Han-song, Money Today Reporter | 2023.10.07 14:42 Design Reporter Lim Jong-cheol / Photograph = Design Reporter Lim Jong-cheol In a recent incident, a customer who ordered delivery food demanded a refund from the company due to […]

Byeon Sang-il Wins First GS Caltex Cup in Epic Showdown with Choi Jeong-9

Byeon Sang-il claims his first GS Caltex Cup victory Written by Kang Pil-ju | July 31, 2023 Byeon Sang-il, 9-dan, emerged victorious in the GS Caltex Cup for the first time, showcasing his skills and determination. On the 31st, at the 28th GS Caltex Pro Cup Tournament held at the Go TV Studio in Korea, […]