
Health Network》Premature ejaculation leads to lack of “sexual” happiness?It can be improved after 3 drug treatments – Free Health Network

Huang Guanjun said that patients with premature ejaculation often face the frustration of not performing as expected, whether it is a sense of guilt towards their partner or a sense of helplessness about their own poor performance; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from shutterstock) Ye Libin/Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In terms of sex, […]

The Science of Masturbation: Surprising Benefits for Mental Health

Bob Thomas benefits of masturbation Aside from being a great way to learn about yourself, masturbation has many other benefits, especially for mental health, and is definitely not as unhealthy as outdated stereotypes suggest. The benefits of masturbation include: 1. Relieve stress Everyone is stressed. The pressure is too much. The best and most effective […]

Health Network》Women need to be hugged after orgasm!Doctors teach you 12 tips to maintain a relationship: Don’t just think about sleeping after sex – Free Health Network

Men and women secrete oxytocin at different times. Doctors remind women that after reaching orgasm, what women need is a hug from a boy. Men should not just think about sleeping at this time; the situational photo, the person in the picture has nothing to do with this article. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive […]