
Wine is the best medicine for sore throat, fever, cough and stuffy nose –

Share Tweet Share Share E-mail Research conducted by scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine found that a compound found in foods such as red wine, black tea and blueberries can help fight infection and prevent the flu. The research was conducted on mice, and the researchers explained that the flavonoids found in […]

Misdiagnosed: The Tragic Story of Ayla Eilert’s Battle with Cancer

Eilat was misdiagnosed twice. (Picture/screen flip) Ayla Eilert, a 24-year-old American woman, was misdiagnosed by two doctors for suffering from a rare skin cancer. Eilert had an operation to remove her tongue, but the disease still could not be overcome. According to the Daily Mail report, Eilat, who was originally developing a career in dance […]

Daesung Reveals His Morning Routine: The Benefits of Eating Honey for Breakfast

[셀럽헬스] Big Bang Daesung’s morning routine revealed Posted on 08.03.2024 at 16:31 Posted on 08.03.2024 at 16:31 Views 85 Singer Daesung revealed that he eats honey every morning. Eating honey in the morning helps relieve fatigue and wake you up. [사진=유튜브 채널 ‘공부왕찐천재 홍진경’]Singer Daesung revealed that he eats honey every morning. Daesung recently appeared […]

Best Foods to Soothe a Sore Throat and Boost Immunity

You need to eat foods that are gentle on the throat and rich in nutrients… even hot tea or water with honey can help. Posted on 02.29.2024 2.05pm Posted on 02.29.2024 2.05pm Modified on 02.29.2024 11.03am Views 10 When you have a sore throat and painful sore throat, it is helpful to drink warm, easy-to-clean […]

Beware of Scarlet Fever: Highly Contagious and Causes Severe Pain

Highly contagious and causes severe pain If it starts with a sore throat and red spots appear all over your body or your tongue becomes red and swollen and looks like a strawberry, it may be scarlet fever (Photo = Clip Art Korea). Children have a weak immune system, so they are subject not only […]

Beware of Scarlet Fever: Highly Contagious and Causes Severe Pain

Highly contagious and causes severe pain If it starts with a sore throat and red spots appear all over your body or your tongue becomes red and swollen and looks like a strawberry, it may be scarlet fever (Photo = Clip Art Korea). Children have a weak immune system, so they are subject not only […]

Survivor’s Story: Woman Loses Limbs to Double Pneumonia

Foreign media reported that “a 51-year-old woman” Sherry Moody “from Texas America Go to the doctor if you feel a sore throat. Then she lost consciousness in the hospital. Doctors found that she had double pneumonia. [ซึ่งเป็นโรคปอดบวมในปอดทั้งสองข้าง หลังจากติดเชื้อสเตรปโธรท ซึ่งทำให้เกิดภาวะติดเชื้อในกระแสเลือด] And his blood pressure dropped rapidly…” The doctor said “This happens when your immune system overreacts […]

Boosting Immunity with Vitamin B: A Key Ingredient for Better Health and Protection

These days I hear coughing very often. This is because the number of flu patients is the highest in five years and several respiratory infectious diseases such as mycoplasma pneumonia, whooping cough and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection are spreading at the same time, especially among children and teenagers. Concerns about a resurgence of Covid-19 […]