
Revolutionary Universal Vaccine Technology Targets Viral Infections

It prevents viruses from producing proteins that block host RNA interference. Posted on 04.17.2024 at 8.00pm Posted on 04.17.2024 at 8.00pm Modified on 04.17.2024 at 4.13pm Views 0 The goal of the new vaccine is to prevent the inhibition of RNA interference by viruses. .[사진= 게티이미지뱅크]A new universal vaccine technology has been developed that can […]

Riot Games Announces Valorant Chemistry VAL Campaign for End-of-Year Celebration

Riot Games is hosting a special campaign called “Valorant Chemistry VAL” to celebrate the end of the year in FPS Valorant. Valorant Chemipok VAL, which will take place from January 15 to 9 of the new year, is planned to provide fun together with players enjoying Valorant in PC rooms during the winter holidays. “Valorant […]

Deadly Brain-Eating Amoeba Infections on the Rise: Travel Warnings for Thailand and Beyond

Warning: Deadly Amoeba Infections on the Rise in Popular Tourist Destinations Tragedy struck when a 10-year-old girl from Colombia succumbed to an infection caused by the ‘brain-eating amoeba’ after swimming in a hotel pool during her summer vacation. Stefania Villamizra González developed symptoms such as earache, fever, and vomiting shortly after her swim, leading to […]