
Boss Shows Kindness and Generosity to Female Worker in Need

A female worker in a supermarket often skipped work, and her boss actually gave her 220,000 yuan a month. (Photo / reproduced from Weibo) A female supermarket worker in Jinan City, Shandong Province, mainland China, asked for vacation from time to time, and did not even come to work for a week. Unexpectedly, when the […]

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SpaceX was sued over illegal firing of employees who criticized Musk, accusing U.S. federal agencies of violating the constitution – International – Free Times e-newsletter

SpaceX was sued for illegally firing employees who criticized Musk, and later filed a lawsuit against the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent agency of the US federal government, for being unconstitutional. (Associated Press) 2024/01/08 00:57 Huang Xiaowei/Copy Editor [Instant News/Comprehensive Report]The U.S. National Labor Agency accused the space technology company “SpaceX” on the […]

Former Female White House Aides Speak Out Against Trump’s Re-Election

Three female aides who worked in the White House during Donald Trump’s administration appeared on ABC on the 31st (local time) arguing that Trump’s re-election should be blocked. Trump’s re-election campaign released a statement regarding their interview, saying, “They are ungrateful frauds who took advantage of the opportunity given by President Trump and are complete […]

The Battle Over a Company Lottery Prize: Court Rules in Employee’s Favor

The Tooth Festival: Company Faces Legal Battle Over Employee’s Prize Image / photo taken from Pixabay The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes the annual Tooth Festival, a time for companies to liven up the atmosphere and boost morale. A recent incident involving a Chinese company and one of its […]