
Revolutionizing Skincare: Motion Bank’s Innovative UV Protection Technology

Money Today Reporter Nam Rae | 22.04.2024 07:00 [스타트UP스토리]Yong-Kyo Jeong, CEO of Motion Bank [이 기사에 나온 스타트업에 대한 보다 다양한 기업정보는 유니콘팩토리 빅데이터 플랫폼 ‘데이터랩’에서 볼 수 있습니다.] Yong-kyo Jeong, CEO of Motion Bank/Photo = Reporter Mi-rae Nam A significant heat wave is expected this summer. Last March, the Earth’s surface temperature broke an […]

Protecting Lips and Hair from UV Rays: The Importance of Sunscreen

{p4} Lips and hair also need UV protection With spring in full swing, before outdoor activities, even if you carefully apply sunscreen to your face, you may neglect to protect your ears, neck, backs of hands, lips and hair from UV rays. Among these, the area most vulnerable to UV rays is the lips. The […]

Hydrating Sunscreens: The Key to Moisturized and Protected Skin

If your facial skin is very tight after washing your face or you have particularly noticeable wrinkles around your mouth and eyes, it’s best to choose a sunscreen that is hydrating like a moisturizer. In the case of dry skin, dead cells form and flake off easily, so it is essential to provide oil and […]

The Importance of Sunscreen for Preventing Skin Aging and Cancer

Skin aging does not happen suddenly, but accelerates when exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long period of time. In other words, you can protect healthy, supple skin from photoaging by using sunscreen every morning as if you were taking care of your skin. If you don’t pay attention to sunscreen every day, like Hugh […]

Balancing Vitamin D Synthesis and UV Protection: What You Need to Know

/upload/donna/article/202403/thumb/55693-532869-sample.jpg 3/10 UV rays and skin cancer Last spring, Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman revealed on his social media that he had undergone a biopsy because he suspected a recurrence of skin cancer and urged fans to make sure they apply sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. Basal cell cancer, which Hugh Jackman suffered from in the […]

Health Network》Which ointment or lotion should be applied first?The Food and Drug Administration teaches a critical judgment – Free Health Network

The Food and Drug Administration states that in principle, ingredients that are more hydrophilic should be applied first, while ingredients that are more lipophilic should be applied last; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from freepik) Shen Lixin/Review Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]During daily maintenance, many people will wonder whether to apply ointment or lotion […]

Sun Protection and Skin Care in Thailand’s Hot and Polluted Environment

Thailand is a hot country and there are many pollution factors in the air. which is something that needs to be encountered every day Sun protection Every day is considered one of the most important elements of skin care. because in the sunlight there is ultraviolet rays OR UV There are many causes of sunburn. […]