
Runners Praise “Dema” Material Collection Process at 2023 Hunan Changde Liuye Lake Marathon

Rewrite text Original title: When watching the “Dema” material collection on the site directly, players said that “the process is very smooth!” From November 10th to 11th, the 2023 Hunan Changde Liuye Lake Marathon runner registration and competition materials collection was held at the Liuye Lake Tourism Distribution Center Square, which means that the “Dema” […]

Desperation in Gaza: Thousands Loot UN Warehouse as Civil Order Begins to Collapse

Gaza Residents Desperate as Supplies Dwindle More than three weeks into the Israeli-Palestinian war, the situation in Gaza has reached dire straits. As supplies become increasingly scarce, thousands of desperate Gazans resorted to looting the local United Nations (UN) warehouse. This act of desperation has left officials concerned about the collapse of civil order and […]

The chief of the 3-person murder case in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, had no choice but to save 3 people 3 years ago and still regrets happened – Society

Three murders occurred in an apartment building in Fengshan District, Kaohsiung tonight. (Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan) 2023/10/10 00:55 [Reporter Chen Wenchan/Kaohsiung Report]A mother and two children were killed last night in Fengshan District, Kaohsiung. It is reported that a similar situation happened to three people three years ago. Guoguang District Chief Lu Yuelin received […]