
Israel Plants Flag on Mount of Olives, Tensions Rise in Middle East: Daily News Update

2024-04-19 15:42 United News Network Corner Daily International Podcast Israel’s flag planted on the Mount of Olives, facing the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and Jerusalem. April 18th to 19th… ▌Listen to the link below: April 19, 2024, news tracking: (1) Early in the morning from April 18th to 19th, explosions were heard in Isfahan, the central […]

The Rise and Fall of OJ Simpson: A Saga of Athletic Glory, Legal Drama, and Media Storms

2024-04-13 00:04 United News Network 24 hours around the corner The former American football star who caused a sensation in the United States because of the “Simpson case” 1994-OJ Simpson (OJ. Text/Lin Qihao “I’m not black. I’m OJ.” (I am not Black. I’m OJ) OJ Simpson, the former American football star who caused a sensation […]

Democratic Party of Korea Wins Major Victory in South Korea’s Parliamentary Election

2024-04-11 16:11 United News Network Corner International Daily Podcast In South Korea’s parliamentary election on April 10, the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, won a major victory, winning 174 seats out of 300, . . ▌Listen to the link below: April 11, 2024, news tracking: (1) South Korea held the 22nd National […]

Landmark Conviction: Parents of Oxford High School Shooter Found Guilty of Manslaughter

2024-04-10 15:38 United News Network Corner International Daily Podcast A first in American justice: the parents of the Oxford High School shooter were convicted and sentenced for manslaughter. From left to right: Gunner Ethan… ▌Listen to the link below: April 10, 2024, news tracking: (1) The Oxford High School in Michigan in the United States […]

Controversies and Tragedies: Recent News Highlights from Around the World

2024-03-27 16:19 Schematic diagram of United News Network’s Corner International Daily Podcast. In September 2023, the manager of a printing factory in Serdang, Selangor was accused of sending 2,540 copies of the Qur’an to non-Muslims… ▌Listen to the link below: March 27, 2024, news tracking: (1) The “Francis Scott Key Bridge” (Francis Scott Key Bridge) […]

North Korea Launches Short-Range Ballistic Missiles as Tensions Escalate

2024-03-18 17:03 United News Network Corner International Daily Podcast North Korea launched more than three short-range ballistic missiles at 7:44 am on March 18. After flying for more than 300 kilometers… ▌Listen to the link below: March 18, 2024, news tracking: (1) Russian President Vladimir Putin was re-elected for an undisputed fifth term on March […]