
Government Job Success: M.J. Joyal’s Inspiring Journey and Tips for PSC Exams

MJJoyal: A Remarkable Achievement in Government Exams Thrissur district’s MJJoyal has once again demonstrated his extraordinary capabilities by clinching the top positions in two prestigious civil service exams. After securing the first position in the Civil Police Officer exam, he has now triumphed in the Civil Customs Officer (Thrissur) exam as well. This exceptional achievement […]

Breaking Barriers: Women Making their Mark in Male-Dominated Industries

Women Breaking Barriers in Male-Dominated Industries With the rise in the number of women pursuing professional careers, it comes as no surprise that women are making their mark in almost every sector. Even industries that were once heavily dominated by men now boast a significant presence of women, signaling a positive shift towards gender equality […]

Hard Work Pays Off: K. Rinsha Tops Women’s GPG Exam After Years of Waiting

Hard Work and Determination Pay Off: Rinsha Takes First Place in Women’s GPG Exam Kannur Pinarayi native, K. Rinsha, has achieved an outstanding feat by securing the top spot in the Women’s GPG examination. Her remarkable success is a testament to years of perseverance and dedication. Behind Rinsha’s incredible achievement lies a story of patience […]

Sefaz Salvador opens REDA selection process with 60 vacancies for higher education

The Municipal Treasury Department (Sefaz) of Salvador announced the opening of the simplified selection process with 60 professional vacancies in the Special Regime of Administrative Law (REDA). Applications will be made exclusively through of this site, starting next Tuesday (23). The decree authorizing the process was published this Friday (19), in the Official Gazette of […]