
The Long-Term Impact of Stroke on Dementia Risk

Risk of dementia increases 3-fold in the first year after stroke… remains 1.5-fold for 20 years Posted on 02.06.2024 at 11.12 am Posted on 02.06.2024 at 11.12 am Views 9 Research has shown that a stroke can increase the risk of dementia by up to 80%. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Research has shown that a stroke can increase the […]

“This can prevent dementia”

Sleep well, eat healthy and exercise regularly ‘OK’… Mediterranean diet, mainly fruit and vegetables Reduce diabetes and high blood pressure and avoid stress… It blocks blood flow to the brain and destroys brain cells. Intense exercise has a negative effect on sleep because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and raises the body’s core temperature. […]